Saturday, May 28, 2011

Clare Week 8

I started at Midtown Fitness two months ago with the goal of decreasing my BMI (body mass index) and body fat percentage and today I am proud to say that I have brought these numbers
down, though I realize my journey is not over.
Eight weeks ago I had a BMI of 28.5 and a body fat percentage of 30. Today my BMI is at 26.7, my body fat is at 27 percent, and I have dropped ten pounds. I’m really happy with what I was able to do in this short time, though I know the work is not over.

Mike told me countless times that if you want to achieve a goal,
you should tell everyone that you’re going to do it. I’ll be honest I
wouldn’t have been able to get those numbers down much at all if
I hadn’t didn’t have the motivation of many Quiet Corner residents
knowing what I was up to and Mike to put the pressure on each
week. So I certainly recommend this wisdom if your still looking
for motivation to get yourself to the gym. Tell everyone what
you want to do and I think if you talk about it enough you’ll find
yourself following through.

Like I said before I know this journey is still not over even though
my eight weeks is up. I could still benefit from bringing down
my BMI and body fat and plan on working towards even better
numbers. These past weeks have really showed me that it is
possible for me to become a fit and healthy person, whereas I
never saw myself in that light. I have lost the attitude of not seeing
myself as a person who exercises and am committed to making
this change in lifestyle. Because of everything I have learned I
now want to exercise regularly and see it as a way to extend and
improve my life.
As Mike told me, there are 168 hours in every week, and an

exercise program should take up to seven of these hours. Chances
are these seven hours will improve your quality of life than
anything that takes place in the remaining 161 hours. Exercise
helps people sleep better, digest better, think clearer, calm
themselves, avoid diseases and ailments, control your appetite and
weight, build self-esteem, and even forge new friendships. With all
these benefits who would want to maintain a sedentary lifestyle?
The best part of this experience was being able to try so many new
things and learning how to keep my workout interesting. I was
worried when I began that a monotonous workout would hinder
my progress but I was kept interested by participating in different
classes, and learning new workouts and techniques shown to
me by Mike and the other trainers. I think the one of the biggest
deterrents of people consistently exercising is boredom. I really
suggest joining a class or finding a workout buddy to avoid feeling
bored at all. I can tell you I enjoyed the classes I took at Midtown
including spin with Amy, kickboxing with Earl and karate with
Mike and Kristin. I found committing to a class that you enjoy is a
good motivation tool.
I want to thank everyone who motivated and taught me over the
past months, including Mike and everyone at Midtown and all the
readers who offered encouragement. I feel extremely grateful and
lucky to have had this experience and am excited to continue my
fitness journey with the knowledge others have shared with me and
newfound sources of motivation.

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