Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Clare Week 4

Week three is complete and Mike really had me jumpstart week 4
this Monday, with 40 minutes of running.
I haven’t run that long since high school so I was expecting to be falling off the treadmill about ten minutes in. But Mike told me, “If
you feel pain, feint, or dizzy, tough it out.” I wasn’t feeling feint or dizzy but I have become familiar with pain.

To really burn some fat, Mike made me commit to 200 minutes
of cardio this week. That’s 40 minutes for five days. So this week
I expect to be hitting the treadmill and some more fitness classes
that really get you sweating for the entire hour.

On Monday Mike also took a look at my food diary, where I
have written down every food I have eaten since I started. To my
relief Mike said I had been doing OK, though there is room for

One of my biggest issues is eating enough protein. This is
something I struggle with because I stopped eating meat recently
but have not properly educated myself as to where else I can get
protein. Though I think keeping the food diary has definitely
helped me become aware of the food I’m eating and what
nutritional value the food I’m eating has, or doesn’t have.
So Mike discussed with me how I need to cut back on the carbs
and increase the protein. My biggest carbohydrate indulgence
is bagels; I have trouble saying no sometimes. I was a little
embarrassed when Mike noticed my unusually high bagel
consumption and pointed it out to me, but I guess that is the
purpose of the food diary.
He explained that my bagel love was not doing me any favors
because they are high in carbohydrates but not protein. I need to

choose foods that have protein and fat but little carbohydrates and
sugar so when I exercise I am burning fat not carbs.
Protein also helps repair muscle by providing amino acids needed
to rebuild the tissue. So after a session with Mike when I feel
like my body is falling apart I have to start remembering to eat
something with protein. Every minute spent exercising the muscles
go through wear and tear, but can be repaired with protein. A
diet with enough protein will ensure that you recover after each
I definitely needed some repair after this Monday’s workout.
After cardio Mike took me through some strength exercises and
Midtown co-owner Kristin Duethorn showed me some challenging
exercises to do on the bosu ball. I think this was the hardest day
I have had at the gym yet so I was definitely thinking about my
nutrition when I left.

So where am I going to get protein? For vegetarians like myself
these foods will help boost protein intake: eggs, tofu, soy, nuts,
seeds, and grains. Yum.
I also have to start being more conscious about my water intake as
well. I usually sip water throughout the day but Mike suggested
drinking a full glass of water every morning to get my metabolism
going. He also explained that often when someone feels hunger
they can sometimes just be dehydrated so I should try drinking
water instead of snacking when I’m feeling hungry.
So week four is a week of hard cardio and calorie cutting for me.
Hopefully by next week, I will have some more weight loss to
report and will have gotten my bagel addiction under control.
Again, good luck to all Quiet Corner residents with weight loss
resolutions, I hope you are all on your way to meeting your goals.

Clare Hopkins may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 112, or by
e-mail at

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