Weight Training Facts and Fiction
If you are new to weight training, here is a quick start guide to help you get a better understanding about some of the facts and fiction surrounding building muscle.
Who is Weight Training For?
The benefits of weight training spread across all genders, races and ages. Weight training was once a very obscure "fringe" activity only practiced by strongmen and body builders. Those days are long gone.
Today, anyone who values their long term health, can gain substantial benefits by using moderate weight training to enhance their overall physical and emotional well being.
Is Weight Training Dangerous?
When performed in a safe and controlled manner, weight training is very safe. In fact there are far fewer injuries in weight training than - bicycling, golf, or basketball. Actually, those individuals who train with weights have less occurrence of injury when performing other activities due to increased muscle and tendon strength as well as increased bone density. Please use a spotter when lifting heavy.
Will I get Bulky Muscles From Weight Training?
No! That's actually one of the biggest myths about weight training. Many women fear working out with weights. They think they will become masculine and muscle bound. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women don't have the same genetic potential to gain muscle that men do.
If it was that easy to get huge muscles, every man on earth would be 250 pounds of solid muscle. You and I know that's not true, so put your mind at ease.
Weight Training Makes You Inflexible
The truth is that most people gain improved flexibility and range of motion in joints when following a weight-training program. Well-defined muscles help your body function more efficiently -Much more than sitting on your butt all day.
If I stop Weight Training My Muscles Will Turn Into Fat?
That would be a neat trick! Tell you what, take a steak out of your fridge, and leave it on the counter for a month. Did it turn to fat? Of course not, muscle doesn't turn into fat any more than a tub full of Crisco will turn into muscle if you put it on your counter and let it sit for a week.
How often should I change my program?
For best results, consistently change your program. If you don't change your program, you're guaranteed to eventually reach a plateau. A good recommendation, change your program every 2 - 3 weeks or if your progress has stopped.
When is the best time to stretch?
Because of the properties of the connective tissue that surrounds muscle, it's best to stretch when your muscles are warm. This means the best time to stretch is at the end of a workout. However, if you need to stretch before you workout, you should do some light activity like walking or cycling (warm-up) for 6-12 minutes before you stretch to ensure your body temperature has risen. Hold a stretch 20-30 seconds
How much cardio exercise do I need to do to get fit?
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 3-5 cardio workouts lasting 20-60 minutes in duration each week. Good cardio-challenging workouts include power walking, jogging, cycling, fitness classes, stair-climbing etc. Keep in mind though, if you can't meet these recommendations, any movement is better than nothing!
Should I do my cardio before or after weight training?
Glycogen stores are stores of energy that your body uses during weight training and cardiovascular exercise. Although, during weight training glycogen stores are the only energy source used. Thus, completing your cardiovascular routine before weight training will substantially deplete your energy (glycogen) stores needed to complete a proper weight training program. Also, completing your weight training before your cardiovascular program significantly decreases you glycogen stores. So, when you begin your cardiovascular training your body burns less glycogen and more of your stored fat. In summary, to reach you optimal fat burning stages and to have the proper energy to utilize an exercise program, complete your weight training before your cardiovascular training.