Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Clare Week 3

The second week of my fitness journey has ended and I have more sore muscles to show for it. As usual the work gets harder but the results are starting to show, as I lost five pounds in my first two weeks.
This week when I met with Mike he took me through a system called Peripheral Heart Action (PHA). The goal of PHA is to keep
blood flowing through the body throughout the entire workout.
Upper body and lower body exercises are alternated back and
forth with little rest in between. The blood flow is forced to keep
switching from different parts of the body as the exercises change
and different muscles are worked on.

The workout is more demanding on the cardiovascular system
because the blood flow does not get into a pattern like it would if
you were working the same muscle over and over.
The PHA workout Mike pushed me through on Monday consisted
of a bench press, leg press, lateral pull down, leg extension, bicep
curl, leg curl, shoulder press, calf raise, tricep extension, hip
abduction, and then a core workout. There are obviously other
ways to vary a PHA workout this is just an example.
By switching between upper and lower body resistance exercises,
mixed with cardiovascular activity, the heart rate stays high
throughout the session. The heart has to work hard to move blood
from one end of the body to the other. So through PHA the heart
is conditioned and the body is toned and strengthened through the
resistance exercises.
As much as I love training with Mike, I’m partial to the group
fitness classes. So far I’ve participated in yoga, cardio fit, and
kickboxing and have really enjoyed all of them.

For some reason I feel much more motivation to show up at a
group fitness class. Half the battle is usually just getting myself to
the gym. In the past I have literally used any excuse not to go, and
I have perfected the art of excuse giving. Signing up for a class is a
small commitment of a certain time and day that I can put towards
working out and I feel obligated to be there.
I have found that I want to be there as the group classes have been
challenging but also really fun. I genuinely had a good time in each
class I went to, due to incredibly upbeat music, helpful instructors,
and other encouraging people in the class. It is a good alternative
to working out in the gym, which can sometimes feel monotonous.

I think another part of the draw to the classes is a guaranteed
thorough workout session. Honestly, going to the gym alone I will
sometimes slack off and not push myself as far as I know I should.
In a class the instructor will push you further than you thought you
could go (avoiding injury of course). As a result you get a better
work out and you feel good about yourself, a win win.
I found other members of the class are good motivation as well.
Everyone I have encountered so far has been very kind and helpful.
In a sense working out in a group feels a little bit like being part
of a team and adds a sense of play to the workout. You’ll keep
showing up to your class if you enjoy the company of the other
members and would feel like a little bit of a let-down for not
showing up.
My third week has begun and I am looking forward to trying some
more classes. I hope everyone else in the Quiet Corner who made
the resolution to get fit this year is doing well and that we can all
meet our goals enjoyably and safely.

Clare Hopkins may be reached at (860) 928-1818, ext. 112, or by
e-mail at

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